
Song Length 4:03 Genre Folk - Alternative
Lead Vocal Male Vocal Subject Economics
Language English


Now they say it`s only natural
Like a winter turns to spring
When you're living in a ghost town
Some things have got to change

When hunger comes a calling
Knocking at your door
And the children keep on crying
Crying out for more


Well my father was a shipbuilder
He built the ship from steel
Then he`d sail it down the river
With a captain at the wheel

In '63 he lost his job
So he poached the farmers fields
With a shotgun in his raincoat
And a bulldog at his heel

The repo man stopped calling
It`s been passed on to the law
Brown enevlopes lie scattered
Unopened on the floor

And all his life's posessions
Have been carried through that door
Boards nailed across the windows
And the key don't fit no more


So he left it all behind him
Couldn't take it any more
Left the people and the place
That had held him like a claw
Like so many he went looking
Searching for those streets of gold

Take this message to the families
On the Wear and the Tyne
Belfast and in Glasgow
Got to hold your head up high
Tie your children with their heartstrings
Give them all your love and more
Never let them slip away
Like so many have before


Well we're talking about the ships


And the men of steel

This track is on 1 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
The Spermatochords Truth & Illusion 4/6/2012

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